19 marec 2009

Ena modra deklica in ena pinkipolonica


Tisti karirasti košček papirja je "kriv" za to voščilnico. Eno deklico sem imela pobarvano v rdečih tonih, pa je malo plesala po modrih in belih kvadratkih in sem kar videla, da jo bom morala preobleč (beri "pobarvat še eno"). Potem pa so preostali koščki spet kar padli skupaj. Še najbolj sem bila presenečena, ko mi je kar tako, slučajno, iz gumba in malo rafije prifrfotal metuljček - tisti desno spodaj.
/ That little piece of chequered paper is to be "blamed" for this card. I had one little girl coloured in red tones, but she came along, dancing over blue an white squares and I just saw that I will have to make her change her clothes (as in "colour another one"). And the rest of elements just fell together again. But I was quite surprised to see the butterfly - the one in the lower right corner - flutter from my hands just by using a button and a little bit of raffia.

Ja, pa še ena lepa stvar: od K (Kitty od Slovonskih technob) sem dobila eno luškano pinkipolonico in pohvalo, ki pričara nasmeh na usta.
/ And another great thing: I got a cute little pink ladybug from K (Kitty @ Slovonske technobe), along with a praise that made me smile.

Nadaljujem vrsto in objavljam deset mojih izbranih. Niso postavljeni po sistemu Top 10, ampak po malo drugačnih kategorijah. Takole:
/ Well, let me continue - I'm posting my ten chosen ones. They are not listed according to Top10 principle, I chose a bit different categories. Here goes:

Kategorija "Preden sem odkrila ta blog, sem mislila, da sva jaz in FIMO dobra znanca"
/ Category "Before I discovered this blog I thought that FIMO and I are very well acquianted"

- Maja (Polipap Crafter)
- Roberta (Fimolandija)

Kategorija "Multipraktik"
/ Category "Multipractic"

- Urška/Kaja75 (Ustvarjati pomeni dvakrat živeti)
- Doris/Dodo (Lepo je)
- Kitty/K (Slovonske technobe)

Kategorija "Stojim ob strani in tiho opazujem, ker so to stvari, ki jih ne znam..., da ne govorim o spremnih besedah"
/ Category "Standing here, observing quietly the things I'm not skilled at... not to mention the texts that go with the photos"

- PolonaP (Frišno novo jutro)
- Vesna/Vixi (Kreativna raca)

Kategorija "Zapisi iz daljnjih krajev"
/ Category "Writings from far away"

- Barbi/Gumbek (Barbi na Irskem)

Kategorija "Samo še to voščilnico naredim, potem pa vzamem mojo skrinjo perlic in bom naredila kak tak kos nakita"
/ Category "Let me just finish this card and then I'll take my chest of beads and make some piece of jewelry like this one"

- Jana/Jeany (Ustvarjalne drobtinice)
- McCrafty (McCrafty)

Se pri katerem blogu kategorije tudi prekrivajo, a naj ostane tako.
Poleg tega izbora seveda z velikim zanimanjem in veseljem preberem tudi vse tiste, ki so na mojem seznamu, in tudi tiste, do katerih priskakljam po malo bolj zavitih poteh. Kaj vse se najde! Eh, pa kaj vam bom govorila, saj veste.
/ Some blogs could fit in more than one category, but I'll leave it that way.
In addition to these ones, I read with great interest and joy all other blogs I have on my list and many others I reach through different "channels". The things you find! But you know that already.

Lep sončen še-dva-dni-do pomladi dan vam želim :)
/ Have a lovely sunny two-more-days-till-spring day :)
