01 januar 2009

Namesto sklepov in zaobljub...

... na prvi dan leta spet malo spreminjam izgled mojega b(r)loga, objavljam prenovljen seznam povezav na ustvarjalne bloge, poleg tega pa sem si po dolgem času spet shranila svoje objave. To sem začela izvajati kar kmalu, ker bi mi bilo škoda, če bi se objave zaradi kakršnegakoli razloga izgubile; saj ne, da ne bi imela shranjenih fotografij vseh izdelkov, pa tudi povezave bi se dalo restavrirati - nekako se mi zdi, da kljub temu, da ne pišem dosti čisto neposredno o svojem življenju, skozi objave berem svojo zgodbo. Zato si vsako objavo shranim v svoj dokument, dokumente pa po mesecih v mape.

Morda se bo tudi komu izmed vas ideja zdela uporabna...

Pa dober štart v novo leto vam želim!


... I used the first day of the year to change the appearance of my blog again, I'm posting my renewed list of crafty blogs, and beside that, I took time to save my posts after quite some time. I started saving them quite soon after I began blogging, because I think it would be a shame if they got lost for any reason whatsoever; not that I don't have the photos of all the things I make, and the links could also be restored - but although I don't write much directly about my life, I can read my story in the posts. So I save each post as a separate document and documents in folders for separate months.

Maybe some of you might find this idea useful...

I wish you all a good start in the new year!
